Hi, and welcome to the Cyperbonk7022 universe. Cyperbonk7022 is a new game series from yours' truly, which will be focused on multiplayer futuristic games where chaos is the key to win. The first entry to this series is : Punjabi No Virus. The name comes from a video I really like, and it's a MOBA game with stupidly powerful abilities. 

The fuck is a MOBA.

MOBA stands for "Multiplayer Online Battle Arena". Basically, a pair number of players fucking wreck one another on a board that looks like this

Some of CB7022:PNV's abilities

So, here are some abilities that I planned for Punjabi No Virus:

  • Flip the whole fucking board on the vertical axis
  • Cut a portion of a lane for the rest of the game(this applies to both lanes and jungles)
  • Teleport to players and stomp them to their certain death
  • One-shotting gun with extremely wide aim
  • ... and more!

Yeah, honestly I didn't plan much... hehe

Under the hood

Under the hood, Cyperbonk7022: Punjabi No Virus is composed of 4 different pieces of software; Launcher, Parser, Game, Server.

How the launcher works:

Basically, the launcher is just a bit of UI. You could technically do everything with CLIs and directly poke the parser, or even the game executable. It runs on raylib. (Note: This is subject to change)

How the parser works:

The parser works as this: you give it a command, it parses it, sends it to the game. This allows for games to be launched from the browser with the cyperbonk7022:// protocol. (Note: I haven't implemented it at all yet)

How the game works:

raylib. That's basically it.

How the server works:

Not implemented yet.

Development stagnated a lot because I originally wanted to go with SedNL for my networking lib, but it doesn't work on VS2019. I am not quite sure what lib I'll use for networking; Either ENet, nbnet, or game-NET.

That's it for now!

Thanks for reading!


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